About us

Recent Tri-Service research conducted by Warwick Institute for Employment Research resulted in a key recommendation, the need to create a central portal for employment and training opportunities for military spouses and family members.   

We know that being a military family member often means moving with your service person, gaps in your CV and regularly changing jobs and/or career. We also know you have a wealth of knowledge, skills, expertise and work ethic to share with employers! 

We have ensured that all employers who advertise on our site have signed the Armed Forces Covenant. You can find their profiles within the ‘Employers Directory’ section, where they explain their individual commitment to being forces family friendly.   

The website also showcases a range of training and career development opportunities for forces family members. 

Who is eligible to use the site? 

  • Spouses and partners of currently serving and reserve personnel, and adult children (aged 18-25).   
  • Spouses and partners of service personnel who have left the Armed Forces within the last 12 months, and adult children (aged 18-25). 
  • Bereaved military spouses and partners, and adult children (aged 18-25). 

About the Armed Forces Covenant

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation that those who serve or have served, and their families, are treated fairly.  

Forces Families Jobs is working with Defence Relationship Management (DRM), a part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) working directly with businesses, to promote and enhance relationships for service families.  

About the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) 

The Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) encourages employers to support the armed forces community and inspire other organisations to do the same. Employers can apply for bronze, silver and gold awards which required them to demonstrate their specific commitments to the Armed Forces Covenant.  

It is possible for an organisation to have signed the Covenant, and not be in receipt of an award.   

Look at our featured employers to see all gold award winners. 


In the media

Listen to the three Families Federations discuss the journey and progress with the Forces Families Jobs portal and the wider spousal employment agenda with Defence Relationship Management (DRM) 'Being Forces Friendly' monthly podcast.

Statistics mentioned in the episode are correct as of January 2020.