Arnold Clark


Our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant

Arnold Clark is an Armed Forces-friendly organisation that recognises the valuable contribution that reservists make to the UK Armed Forces, their communities and the civilian workplace.

We seek to ensure that those who currently serve in the Armed Forces, whether Regular or Reserve, those who have served in the past, and their families, should face no disadvantage compared to others in our workplace.

About us

Arnold Clark Automobiles Ltd is one of the largest car dealer groups in Europe. But it all started with just one showroom – opened in Glasgow, Scotland, back in 1954.

Sir Arnold Clark, the founder of the company, left the Royal Air Force and used his demob money to buy a Morris Ten Four for £70. After restoring the car to its original condition, he sold it for a profit. From this first venture, Arnold Clark began to buy and sell cars.

Since the opening of our very first showroom, it’s been quite the journey! Today, Arnold Clark Automobiles Ltd sells more than 300,000 cars a year and has locations stretching from Elgin to Southampton.

And we’re not done yet! Our aim is to grow, innovate and inspire while continuing to offer genuine value for money and provide customer service of the highest level. Let the journey continue…