Morgan Sindall Property Services


Our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant

Our geographical reach and the wider Morgan Sindall group of companies will wherever possible, look to support movement of employed military spouses and partners should they have to move location due to redeployment. We will engage our supply chain to support with opportunities.

We will actively engage with AFF to advertise all job, training opportunities and mentoring programmes to support dependants into employment.  All military dependants who meet our minimal criteria and identify as such on their application will be offered a guaranteed interview.

We have a programme of short training programmes across our contracts to gain accredited qualifications in areas such as customer service and hospitality. These short courses not only give a qualification that is very transferable to numerous different sectors with a wide geographical base, but when linked with our employability support can really help dependants into employment, linking with the data from the AFF which states 63% of spouses/partners are likely to look for “portable” jobs.

About us

Morgan Sindall Property Services provide integrated asset management for housing associations and local authorities, focusing on improving the living conditions of residents and leaving a lasting legacy in the communities we serve.

Our services include, responsive repairs, void refurbishments, compliancy services and planned maintenance works.

Using data, we provide actionable insights for our clients, helping to inform investment decisions, improve customer experience, identify vulnerabilities in communities and protect the environment. Collaborating with our partners, we find solutions to support and deliver projects to the highest quality and standards.

With over 1000 employees, we focus on a culture which puts people at the core of everything we do, encourages innovative thinking and always puts our customer first.