Park Group care


Our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant

At Park Group Care we have diverse and inclusive staff teams at all our services. Without knowing, we have been supporting the Armed forces Covenant for over twenty years. We recruit armed forces families to work while supporting them in their family lives, providing leave at short notice and ensuring we are flexible in the way we work. We have now officially signed the covenant and would like to continue our support of the armed forces by providing training, resilience and retention to families. If an employee needs to move due to a new posting, we will support the transition to another service if we have one near. We focus on person centred care and that starts with the staff we employ. Resilience and wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. The recruitment process is accessible to all members, past and present of the armed forces including their families. We actively encourage our care services to be involved in all celebration and commemorative days for the armed forces.

About us

We provide care in Rushmoor, Bournemouth and Selsey:

  • Home for people living with dementia
  • Domiciliary service –providing care and support in the community for individuals who need support with mental wellbeing and living skills
  • Supported living services for adults with mental health issues.

Mission:          Provide a package of care that is important to the individual, personalised and adapts as their physical, mental and social wellbeing evolves.

Purpose:          Our success is built on our commitment to quality care through staff training and positive, strength based, person centred approach towards service users.

 Values:           Leadership: Courage to shape a better future in Health and social care.

Empathetic:    We support people and understand their journeys with compassion and dignity.

Adaptability:   Always motivated to adapt to the everchanging needs of the people we support/employ.

Diversity:       It takes people with different ideas, strengths, interests, and cultural backgrounds to make our company succeed. We encourage healthy debate and differences of                             opinion.

Social responsibility:      Integrating social, wellbeing and environmental solutions to our business