Wellacre Academy


Our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant

We commit to supporting the members of the Armed Forces by providing regular, job specific in service training to suit the needs of all. We commit to providing 5 days of unpaid leave for those attending training for the reserve forces. We also commit to open dialog between employee and employer to support all employees if other events occur which may require leave. We offer access to paid counselling and therapy sessions for those who require such support. We provide opportunities for our veterans and service leaders to attend professional development courses, and support veterans in completing any career transition training that they may receive from the MOD.

About us

Wellacre Academy is an all-boys secondary school in Trafford, Greater Manchester. We are committed to providing an outstanding quality of education, which will inspire our students to learn, allow them to achieve their full potential and enjoy their time at school. With this vision we truly believe that, at Wellacre, we bring out the very best in our students.

Wellacre is a ‘GOOD' school with outstanding strengths. Our vision is simple: we all work together to instill a strong sense of belonging for all at Wellacre. This enables every student to succeed and become active members of the local and global community as they move into adulthood. We aim to give all our students an education which will INSPIRE them to learn, empower them to ACHIEVE their full potential and enable them to ENJOY their time at school. 

We provide excellence in teaching and personalised pastoral care and, of course, our character is unique and distinct; being the only single sex school in Trafford which is open to boys of all abilities.