Symphony Healthcare Services


Our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant

We support the employment of Service spouses and partners by welcoming applications from spouses/partners who meet the criteria in the job specifications. We can offer flexibility of employment types for example by offering fixed term or bank/zero hours contracts based around deployment needs. We endeavour to offer a degree of flexibility in granting leave for services spouses and partners before, during and after a partner’s deployment.

About us

Symphony Healthcare Services was established in 2016 as part of the award-winning Symphony Programme Vanguard, developing new models of care. We now support 21 GP practices across Somerset and East Devon, providing care for 120,000 patients.

Providing NHS services is at the heart of what we do. Our vision is to ensure that primary care is sustainable for patients and practices in Somerset, and we aim to be a national exemplar for primary care provision. We work closely with our practice teams to support, develop and transform patient care and working practices with innovation and technology at the heart of what we do.