Together for Children Sunderland


Our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant

Together for Children have made a commitment to support the employment of Service Spouses and partners; partnering with the Forces Families Jobs forum and providing flexibility in granting leave for Service spouses and partners before, during and after a partner’s deployment.

About us

 Together for Children has delivered Children’s Services on behalf of Sunderland City Council since 2017. We provide children’s social care services, early help, prevention and targeted youth services, education and SEND services.  We are responsible for our own finance, workforce, property and support services. We work closely with the Council and our partners to ensure we meet children’s needs. Since 2017, we have grown our services, developed our workforce, transformed how we use our property, data and intelligence, expanded our residential capacity and achieved an Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ judgement for our children’s social care services.